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2018 COP Hub Engagement

In 2018, there were over 160,000 views on the COP Hub. All Communities of Practice (COPs) allow transplant professionals within specific specialties to connect, collaborate, and discuss relevant issues. Thank you to all COP members who participated on the hub last year. Here are some highlights from 2018.

Most visited COP Hub Communities

  1.  Transplant Pharmacy COP (Tx Pharm)
  2.  Infectious Disease COP (IDCOP) 

Top COP Discussions

  1. “New OPTN proposal to abolish Pediatric committee and convert to advisory council” – Pediatric COP (PCOP) - January 2018
  2. “Challenging Case” – Kidney Pancreas COP (KPCOP) - October 2018
  3. “Difficult case” – Liver and Intestinal COP (LICOP) -  June 2018
  4. “BKV dilemma” – Kidney Pancreas  COP (KPCOP) - November 2018
  5. “Use of APOL1 genotyping” – Live Donor COP (LDCOP) - July 2018

Most Engaged COP Members

  1. Linda Ohler, MSN, RN, CCTC, FAAN, FAST
  2. Helen S. Te, MD
  3. David Michael Newland, Pharm.D., M.S.
  4. Angela Q Maldonado, PharmD, BCPS
  5. Brenda L. Muth, NP
  6. Ricardo M. La Hoz, MD, FACP
  7. Shyreen Dulanya, Pharm.D
  8. Jennifer C Lai, MD/MBA
  9. Kwame Asare, PharmD, BCPS, BCNSP
  10. Maya Campara, PharmD

Most Engaged by Month


January 1. James Beaulieu, PharmD 2. Rajan Kapoor, MD
February 1. Shmuel Shoham, MD 2. Rajan Kapoor, MD
March 1. Maheen Abidi, MBBS 2. Shyreen Dulanya, Pharm.D
April 1. Ricardo M. La Hoz, MD, FACP 2. Jennifer Hagopian, PharmD
May 1. Linda Ohler, MSN, RN, CCTC, FAAN, FAST 2. Alyssa Ward, PhD
June 1. Helen S. Te, MD 2. Alyssa Ward, PhD
July 1. Shree Patel, PharmD 2. Linda Ohler, MSN, RN, CCTC, FAAN, FAST
August 1. David Michael Newland, Pharm.D., M.S. 2. Helen S. Te, MD
September 1. David Michael Newland, Pharm.D., M.S. 2. Brenda L. Muth, NP
October 1.  Linda Ohler, MSN, RN, CCTC, FAAN, FAST 2. Angela Q Maldonado, PharmD, BCPS
November 1. Kwame Asare, PharmD, BCPS, BCNSP 2. David Michael Newland, Pharm.D., M.S.
December 1. Burnett Stephens Kelly, Jr., MD MBA 2. Kenneth L. Brayman, MD PhD


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