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9 Reasons Why You Can’t Miss CEoT 2019

There are countless reasons to attend our 7th annual Cutting Edge in Transplantation meeting in Phoenix, AZ. At this meeting, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with your colleagues at the beautiful Arizona Biltmore resort and enjoy spectacular views and beautiful weather. Preceding the meeting, the Sensitization in Transplantation: Assessment of Risk (STAR) meeting will also be held.

CEoT 2019 will provide an interactive discussion on personalized medicine in transplantation. Learn more about the potential individualized medicine could have on our field through our 9 exciting sessions, as well as interactive panel discussions, poster abstracts, and break-out sessions. I will also be presenting the AST’s second Innovation Award during this meeting.

Reason #1: Personalized Medicine – How Do We Catch Up?

CEoT 2019 will kick off with a session moderated by Michelle Josephson, MD and Kenneth Newell, MD, PhD that will highlight personalized diagnostics in cancer therapy and bone marrow transplantation. It will also include a discussion by Elizabeth McNally, MD, PhD on how genetic information can be used to direct personalized care of patients with Cardiovascular Disease.

The first session will wrap up with a discussion on the barriers and opportunities with technology and personalized medicine.

Reason #2: Shark Tank: George Lucas Foresees the Future of Transplantation – All Things Omics

It is CEoT tradition to hold a Shark Tank session.  This session will be moderated by Roslyn Mannon, MD and Kenneth Newell, MD, PhD.  Don’t miss session 2, where Shark Tank meets Star Wars in a unique session that will include four presenters pitching their predictions for the future of transplantation to our CEoT “Sharks.” Is “the force” in blood, urine, DNA, or tissue?  Check out this session and decide for yourself.

Reason #3: Personalized Organ Donation, Biopsy in Heart Transplantation & the Monitor in Lung Transplantation Rejection Surveillance

There will be three options for session 3.  The first option will focus on personalizing organ allocation, ensuring that the right organ is given to the right recipient at the right time.

If you prefer a more specialized session, join us for a discussion on heart transplantation biopsy (and how we can move past it), moderated by MaryJane Farr, MD and Jon Kobashigawa, MD.

Those with an interest in lung transplantation have the option of a session on monitoring lung transplant rejection surveillance. This option will be moderated by Sangeeta Bhorade, MD and Marty Zamora, MD.

Reason #4: Personalizing Immunosuppression

There are three great options for session 4. Option 1 poses an important question: with all the drugs on the market, why can’t we develop evidence-based immunosuppression? This option will include a discussion on Belatacept, as well as how biomarkers can assess risk and guide immunosuppression in kidney and liver transplantation.  To wrap up session 4, this option will also offer a panel discussion.

Option 2 will focus on customized immunosuppression. Topics discussed will include induction, desensitization, and immunosuppression therapies, as well as how to assess risk in customized immunosuppression.

Interested in personalized immunosuppression in lung transplantation? Option 3 may be the right choice for you. Learn about individualized methods and ideas on treating your lung transplant patients. This option will include a discussion led by Marie Budev, DO, MPH on renal sparing protocols and a talk by Deborah Jo Levine, MD on donor specific antibodies

Reason #5: Personalized Aftercare – Can It Be That Hard?

Session 5 will be moderated by Michelle Josephson, MD and Roy Bloom, MD. It will focus on caring for post-transplant patients, and how we can personalize aftercare. This session will discuss several imperative questions related to patient aftercare. How do we apply big data to individual patients? How reliable is the ibox? What does personalized care mean to patients? Does personalized care make sense financially? 

This session will end with an interactive discussion.

Reason #6: Personalized Strategies to Improve Access and Outcomes in Patients of African Ancestry and Other Populations at Risk for a Poor Outcome

The discussion in session 6 will focus on improving outcomes and access to transplantation for patients of African descent and other populations prone to risk. This session will help you better understand the social and biological risks to this group, and ideas on how it can be improved.

Reason #7: HLA or Thoracic Cases

For session 7, choose between a session on HLA and a session about thoracic cases.

The discussion on HLA will be moderated by Mandy Ford, PhD, FAST and Anat Roitberg-Tambur, DMD, PhD. It will cover topics including HLA antibody complement based assays, HLA antibody attributes, HLA molecular mismatch assessment, and risk assessment for alloimmune memory.

Choose the thoracic session to learn more about how to apply personalized medicine in the real world of thoracic transplantation.

Reason #8: Transplant Center Practice – Is Variety the Spice of Life?

The discussion in session 8 will focus on transplant centers. This session will present topics including the variability in acceptance of complex patients between centers. The discussion will then examine some of the centers that have been a model of excellence in our field.

Reason #9: Trailblazers - Programs with Specialized Programs of Patient Care

The final session of CEoT 2019 will be moderated by AST President-Elect, Emily Blumberg, MD. The session will include discussions from Dixon Kaufman, MD, Julie Heimbach, MD, and Stanley Jordan, MD.

Learn about programs that specialize in kidney failure and diabetes, obese patients, and highly sensitized patients.

BONUS: Reason #10: The Poolside Reception

After these 9 thought-provoking sessions, wind down at the poolside reception. Enjoy a night connecting with your colleagues surrounded by palm trees and the beautiful Paradise Pool.

See you in Phoenix!

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This content was developed independently by AST and supported by a financial contribution from Sanofi