It’s been 4 years since the transplant community was able to be together in person at the Transplant Games of America and AST was excited to finally be together again with recipients, donor families, caregivers, living donors, and those awaiting transplant in San Diego, California. From July 28-August 3, AST shared educational information from our Power2Save initiative, which is dedicated to increasing public awareness surrounding organ transplantation. We educated the community with three different workshops, generously sponsored by Veloxis Pharmaceuticals and Sanofi that touched on research, advocacy, and healthy living.
Throughout the week we were able to talk to the transplant community about the plans for the Living Donor Protection Act, the implementation of the Immuno Bill in 2023, and plans from the Transplant Community Advisory Council. We listened to your stories, cried together, laughed together, and learned so much about what is important to each of you! AST is incredibly thankful to have been a part of the Transplant Games of America and finally be back together to celebrate the gift of life and honor our donor families and living donors!