MINNEAPOLIS ― May 14, 2018 ― In December 2016, SRTR launched a new website that displayed a new 5-tier outcome assessment for all transplant programs in the United States. This new system, which replaced a 3-tier system, was developed over a period of 5 years and approved by SRTR’s Visiting Committee (SVC). In response to community feedback, the 5-tier system was moved to a Beta website in February 2017, and was replaced by the previous 3-tier system on the main SRTR website. The intent of the Beta site was to allow for more feedback and to consider additional improvements. Changes have been made in response to the feedback received, and SRTR is pleased to announce that an updated version of the Beta website has been launched. SRTR will seek feedback for a period of 60 days ending July 13, 2018, after which the SVC will recommend further modification or moving the Beta site to the main SRTR website.
Changes to the site include:
More detailed information about these changes is available on our Beta site. These changes were made following feedback received from the community and vetted through patient focus groups and randomized trials of various website iterations during 2017 and early 2018. SRTR welcomes feedback regarding these changes, and will collect feedback for a period of 60 days, at which time the Visiting Committee will consider the feedback and recommend any changes.
Feedback can be provided to srtr@srtr.org. We’ll also be available at the 2018 American Transplant Congress (ATC) meeting (June 2-6), booth #202, and at the 2018 AOPO Annual Meeting (June 18-21), booth #409, to answer any questions. Review the current version of the beta site at beta.srtr.org.