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Caregiver Stress

Symptoms of Caregiver Stress

As a caregiver, you will have stress. You might feel some or many of these symptoms.

You might feel:You might have:You might:
IrritableDisgustedStomachachesMake more mistakes
AngryAmbivalentHeadachesNot enjoy your hobbies anymore
SadUnmotivatedDifficulty sleepingWithdraw from your friends and family
GuiltyUnappreciatedExtra anxiety 
ResentfulNervousFeeling withdrawn from others 

If you feel stressed, you are not alone. Try the strategies for self-care.

Caregiver Burnout

You might have caregiver burnout if you:

  • Are physically, emotionally, or mentally exhausted from caring for a patient
  • Start to feel negative and uncaring, instead of positive and caring
  • Try to do too much physically, emotionally, or financially
  • Don’t have enough help

You can take an online self-assessment if you think you have caregiver burnout. 

Ask your transplant team for help if you have caregiver burnout.

Caregiver Depression

As a caregiver, you might feel sad, unhappy, or moody. You might also have symptoms of depression. Depression is more than feeling sad, unhappy, or moody sometimes. 

If you have depression:

  • You feel so sad, angry, or frustrated that it’s hard to get through the day
  • These feelings last more than a few weeks
  • Talk to a mental health professional who can help (insert links to mental health resources for support)
  • Know that you are not alone
  • Ask your transplant team or doctor for help

You can take an online self-assessment if you think you have depression.  

Caregiver Anxiety

It is normal to feel anxious sometimes. Sometimes, though, caregivers have an anxiety disorder.

If you have an anxiety disorder:

  • You have intense, constant worry or fear about everyday situations
  • You might have panic attacks (sudden, intense anxiety that causes physical feelings of fear)
  • You are not alone
  • Ask your transplant team or doctor for help

You can take an online self-assessment if you think you have an anxiety disorder. 

Relationship Stress During Caregiving

You might feel stress in your relationships with the patient and with others.

Having good relationships is important for your mental health. Try to:

  • Spend positive and relaxing time with family and friends
  • Ask friends and family to visit you if you cannot leave to visit them
  • Remember the patient is also your loved one
  • Think about the relationship you and the patient had before the transplant process
  • Do positive and relaxing activities with the patient when you can (not just caregiving activities)

Online Self-Assessments


This content was developed independently by AST and supported by a financial contribution from Sanofi