Early in the transplant process, talk with the patient about how they want to make end-of-life decisions. These conversations are difficult, but you must know the patient’s preferences, so you can advocate for them. Talking early can also reduce stress later in the transplant process.
At the start of the transplant process, the patient must choose a power of attorney, or a person who will make medical decisions for them.
Palliative care
The patient might want palliative care. Palliative care is:
Learn more about palliative care:
Ask your transplant team about a palliative care consultation.
Coping with loss
Some patients die before or after transplant. Losing a person you love is overwhelming and painful. Remember, there is no right way to grieve.
You might feel grief during the transplant process, even if the patient does not die. You might feel a loss of lifestyle, future plans, or relationships as the patient’s physical health changes.
It’s OK to struggle with grief, and it’s ok to ask for help.