COP EC Toolkit: Nominations and Elections

Community of Practice Executive Committee (COP EC) membership is managed via an annual election process. This process provides COP members with an opportunity to determine who will be the leaders and stewards of their communities within AST. It is also a path for COP members to take on leadership roles. AST's election policies establish a clear set of rules and timelines to promote integrity and transparency in the process to determine who serves as the elected leadership of the COP. The information below provides an overview of the COP EC election process, and a timeline for the nominations and voting.

A large portion of the information in this section is drawn from AST policy "COP-720 - COP Executive Committee Election Policy". For additional policy and procedure documents, please visit the "COP Policies and Procedures" page of the toolkit.

Click on the section titles below to reveal the relevant content and learn more about the COP EC election process.




To participate in the COP election process as a candidate, nominator, or voter, an individual must be an AST member in good standing, and a member of the applicable COP, by December 31st of the previous year. This rule ensures that participants have at least a general knowledge of how a COP works, and allows the member time to consider what would be important for leadership of the COP.

All eligible COP members are eligible for nomination, with the following exceptions:

  • No individual may serve in more than one COP EC position at a time.
  • No individual may be nominated for a position they have previously filled, with the exception of someone who has served less than half of a term to fill a vacancy.
  • No individual may run for more than one COP EC position at a time.
  • No individual currently holding COP EC position may run for an alternative COP EC position within a second COP.
  • No current AST Board member may be nominated for a COP EC position which will overlap with their board term.

After the nomination period closes, nominees will be asked to accept the nominations.

  • If nominated for more than one COP EC position, whether within one COP or on more than one COP EC, nominees will be asked to choose one position to run for.
  • All nominees who accept their nomination will be included on the COP EC ballot.

A call for nominations is held to solicit interest in the open COP EC positions publicly, approximately four months prior to the annual meeting. Nominations will remain open for a minimum of two weeks.


COP voting is typically done through an online ballot which is emailed directly to eligible members of the COP. If you are a member of more than one COP, you will be able to vote for each COP individually. Voting will be open for a minimum of two weeks for all Eligible COP members to participate. During the COP EC election process, if a tie occurs for the winner of an open position, the election shall be re-opened for that position only. Positions with clear winners shall not be re-voted.

  • The election shall be re-opened between the tied individuals only, with the other candidates removed from the process.
  • The election shall be re-opened to the eligible COP membership for one week to resolve the tie.
  • If the tie is repeated in the second round of voting, the AST President-elect, in consultation with the highest-ranking COP officer(s) not currently being elected, will appoint one of the candidates tied for the position to the COP Executive Committee.


Winners of the COP elections must complete Conflict of Interest forms and the AST Code of Conduct Acknowledgement within ten days of receiving the request for completion, and must subsequently be evaluated by the AST Conflict of Interest Committee prior to assuming office (See AST's Conflict of Interest Policy for further information).

New COP EC members assume their responsibilities at the AST business meeting, known as the "Town Hall." This meeting takes place at the annual American Transplant Congress.

If an individual wins the Co-Chair position while already serving as COP EC Member-at-Large, they must give up the Member-at-Large position. The COP EC would then fill the position according to the Vacated Position information below.

If an individual wins a Board position while serving as a COP EC member of any type, they must relinquish their COP EC position, with the exception of the Past Chair position. Past Chairs may retain their positions but give up the ability to vote on COP matters. COP EC positions vacated in this manner must be filled according to the Vacated Position information below.


If a COP EC position is vacated prior to the end of the elected term for any reason, the COP EC would appoint someone to fill the vacated position for the remainder of the term or consider elimination of the position, if the COP EC is large enough. Serving less than half of a vacated COP EC term does not preclude an individual from running for a full COP EC term in the future.


Position Term No# of Members
Chair 2 years* 1
Co-Chair 2 years* 1
Past Chair 2 years* 1
Member-at-Large 2 years (staggered) 3-5
Early Career Member-at-Large** 1 year 1

* Chair Positions: The Chair position is part of a three-stage position, typically with a six-year term (two years each as Co-Chair, Chair, and Past Chair). The Trainee and Young Faculty COP operates with a three-year rotation for the Co-Chair, Chair, and Past Chair to keep their COP EC connected to the needs of their membership.

** Early Career Member-at-Large: This position was formally called the "Executive Committee (EC) Trainee" position. It was updated in October 2018 to better reflect the needs of AST's various communities, and to allow for the inclusion of early career professionals (as determined by each COP's EC). It is not a mandatory position for the COP to fill, and its need is determined by each COP EC.



The timeline for the COP Executive Committee (EC) elections is linked each year to the date of the American Transplant Congress (ATC). Newly elected COP EC members begin their terms, and outgoing members role off of he EC, at ATC, making the meeting an appropriate anchor point for the COP EC election process. Below is an approximate timeline of the entire process, and a description of what will occur during each step.

Timeline Process
December 31st Eligibility to participate in the COP election process as a candidate, nominator, or voter is set. For more information, see the "Nominations and Eligibility" section above.
17 weeks before ATC Call for ECs to establish their definitions and criteria for Early Career Member-At-Large. At this stage, COP ECs may determine if they wish to include the position, and are given the opportunity to confirm or revise their rules for eligibility.
16 weeks before ATC Call for EC nominations for upcoming vacant Co-Chair, Member-at-Large, and Early Career Member-at-Large positions. The nomination period is open for 3 weeks.
13 weeks before ATC Deadline for COP EC nominations (including the submission of a bio and headshot).
13 weeks before ATC Nominee notifications. AST staff confirms that the nominee officially accepts their nominations during this period. This typically takes about 1 week to complete.
12 weeks before ATC Deadline for confirmation of acceptance or denial from the nominees. If a nominee does not officially confirm their interest, they will not be included on the ballot. While the confirmations are being collected, AST staff begins to compile materials for the election.
11 weeks before ATC Ballot content is finalized. AST staff must turn the compiled materials in two weeks before election opens to allow time for the creation of the ballots and supporting services.
9 weeks before ATC COP voting for Co-Chair, Member-at-Large, and Early Career Member-at-Large positions opens. AST currently uses a direct email ballot system for COP elections. Voting on the COP EC elections is open for 2 weeks.
7 weeks before ATC Deadline for COP online voting for Co-Chair, Member-at-Large, and Early Career Member-at-Large positions.
6 weeks before ATC Winners of COP Co-Chair, Member-at-Large, and Early Career Member-at-Large elections notified. Non-winners are notified after all confirmations have been completed, and official announcements are made to the COP memberships.
At ATC Winners of COP Co-Chair, Member-at-Large, and Early Career Member-at-Large elections officially begin their terms.


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