Learn more about policies and processes for creating and supporting the AST’s educational content.
The AST’s Manuscript Review Policy serves as guidance to AST Committees, COPs, and others acting on behalf of an AST group that seeks to publish a manuscript, position paper, practice guideline, patient education brochure, etc. as an AST work product.
The AST’s affiliation with a piece of writing indicates that its quality meets the Society's standards. The Manuscript Review Policy outlines the circumstances under which this affiliation will be offered.
AST Education policies encourage the development and use of its educational content by AST members and other audiences while protecting the AST name. The AST Board of Directors, Education Committee, and Community of Practice Executive Committees are responsible for ensuring AST-associated educational materials are developed and approved as a work product of the Society.
The AST’s Survey Policy outlines the requirements for disseminating a survey to the AST membership or externally as an AST work product. This policy is meant to facilitate fair and objective handling of requests.
AST Education policies encourage the development and use of its educational content by AST members, as well as other audiences while protecting the AST name. The AST Board of Directors, Education Committee, and Community of Practice Executive Committees are responsible for ensuring AST-associated educational materials are developed and approved as a work product of the Society.
In order to uphold the value and integrity of the AST name, the AST Board of Directors and Education Committee developed criteria and operational procedures to ensure that all activities directly or indirectly associated with AST are of the highest quality. The AST will provide endorsement to third parties only for meetings and educational activities that support the mission of the AST.
For meetings and events, a one-page proposal must be submitted to the AST National Office at least 90 days before the date(s) of the activity's launch. Once the endorsement request fee is paid, the Education Committee will review the proposal and supplementary materials to ensure the meeting or activity aligns with the AST’s mission and educational strategic plan. The Education Committee then makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors, who determines the final ruling.
Typically, endorsement requests for manuscripts and other work products must be coordinated with the AST Board of Directors prior to the start of work on the project. The AST Board will determine the potential for AST endorsement and the steps for review and approval when a final draft of the work product is complete.
For organization-to-organization partnerships and multi-organization endorsement requests, please connect to AST’s executive staff for more details.
If you are interested in supporting an AST meeting, webinar, or other educational activity, our development team would be happy to assist you. Please contact AST’s Chief Development Officer, JoAnn Gwynn, at jgwynn@myast.org for more information.
It is possible to propose an AST Educational Activity by directly submitting your idea to the AST’s Education Committee in the form of a proposal. However, it is difficult to get a new project approved without the support of an AST COP, workgroup, or other committee. Since most new AST projects will be developed with the support of one of these groups, a good first step is to connect with the appropriate COP to learn about their ongoing projects, join a workgroup related to your project, or see if they would be willing to support your new project initiative.
If you would like more information on AST’s COP or committees or need assistance connecting to the correct group for initial project support, please contact AST's Education Program Manager, Brian Valeria, at bvaleria@myast.org.