
Friday, February 21, 2014 - 15:00

Naima Carter-Monroe, MD, MHS • Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Lorraine Racusen, MD, FASN • Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

E. Rene Rodriguez, MD • Cardiovascular Pathology, The Cleveland Clinic

Nitika Gupta, MD, DCH, DNB, MRCPCH • Emory University School of Medicine
Murli Krishna, MD • Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville

Naima Carter-Monroe; Lorraine Racusen; E Rene Rodriguez; Nitika Gupta; Murli Krishna
Session ID: 
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Prolibraries code: 

Learning Objectives:

Explore cases in kidney, liver, and heart where the pathology indicated rejection, but where another diagnosis was ultimately identified.

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